Friday 25 November 2011


So it's about time I made a LoveCat's post, I do work there after all.
And can you believe it, I have been there 1 year! Omg how time fly's when your having fun. So here is my celebratory post.

And I have to admit I enjoy it more now than when I first started it's definitely been my favourite place to work and over the course of the year this has confirmed it. I have worked at other places but none can beat this place. I like the fact that your not a model left on on your own to get bored your part of a kitty family. And of course LC makes amazing outfits I have so many favourites it chops and changes depending on my mood or if there is a new release lol.

So here are some pictures

Rainbow Kitteh.
This is my profile picture I have at moment, I love it such a happy outfit.

Snowflake Kitteh. The first outfit I modelled at LoveCats.

YAY! One Year at LoveCats !!!

Lovecats Update

Okay so I wrote this a few days ago while I had the flow of words in my brain. But held off posting till I actually made it to 1 year.

Since then I've been offered a promotion to manager!
 *Happy Purrrrs* ^_^

Friday 4 November 2011


Yay!! I graduated last night at CWS :D

Graduation Outfit
I was so nervous I have to admit but excited at the same time too :). I have waited a long time for this moment and now I finally made it! YAY!!

Here I am in my long awaited graduation outfit. I have been looking forward to getting it, and it has the added bonus of being in my favourite colour, pink :)

So well done and congratulations to  my fellow graduees from the  October and November classes, We are now on the path to becoming whatever we dream to be in SL.

Here's looking forward to the challenges ahead and entering more styling's now that I have graduated.

TY to my fellow students who put on a good show, our trainers for teaching us so well, TY to Anrol and Steve for founding such a great  and wonderful modelling Academy. And finally, TY to my wonderful partner Raxiel who came and sat in the crowd, and supported me last night and through out the course.

Graduation line up as my partner Raxiel looks on

My Diploma upon the big screen

Yay! we made it !!